Efon Alaaye Club is s a non-partisan, voluntary association of responsible and respectable indigenes, families and friends of Efon Alaaye.

Our Members are distinguished academics, professionals and business leaders who live in various parts of the world but all share a common bond: Efon Alaaye.

Our Club Anthem

Lyrics and the rhythm of our club anthem, adopted at our AGM, which was held on 1st October 2022.

Efon Alaaye Club Anthem


Oooh, Efon Alaaye Club
The Frontline Social Club In Efon Alaaye Kingdom
Founded In December 1971.
With Excellence In Mind, Community Development.
Ooh Efon Alaaye Club,
Empowerment And Friendship, Runs In Our Veins.
We Are Driving With This Passion, Brotherhood In Development.
Efon Alaaye Club, I’m A Proud Member.

Our Objectives

Our Objectives include:

  • To foster friendly relationships amongst members;
  • To seek and protect the interest of its members;
  • To work towards the upliftment of the Club and the general development of Efon Alaaye by making concrete and constructive suggestions to those in authority and cooperating with organizations having similar objectives;
  • To do other things that are incidental to the above objectives.

Efon Alaaye Constitution

The club shall be known and called EFON ALAAYE CLUB, herein after called the “club”.
The aims and objectives of the club shall be
  1. To foster friendly relationship amongst of its members;
  2. To seek and project the interest of its members;
  3. To work towards the upliftment of the Club and the general development of Efon Alaaye by making concrete and constructive suggestions to those in authority and cooperating with organization having similar objectives.
  4. To do other things that are incidental to the above objectives.
  1. Membership shall be open to all sons and daughters of Efon Alaaye both at home and in the Diaspora
  2. Application for membership shall be made in writing on the club’s prescribed application form;
  3. Applicant shall be sponsored by two financial members of the club;
  4. No one shall be deemed a member until such a person has paid the enrolment fee and a year’s due
  1. The general meeting of the Club shall be held (3) three times a year, Easter September/October and Christmas at the Efon Alaaye residence of members
  2. Annual general meeting shall receive the report of all officers and auditors;
  3. Emergency meeting shall be held if and when the need arises;
  4. Executive meetings shall be held as often as occasion demand, but not less than three (3) times a year.
The officers of the Club shall be:
  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. General Secretary
  4. Assistant General Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Financial Secretary
  7. Publicity Secretary
  8. Social Secretary
  9. Auditors (2 Nos)
  10. Ex-Officio members (2 Nos) – one of which will be the immediate past President
  1. Election of officers shall be held once every two years at the Annual General Metting;
  2. All officers of the Club shall be elected by secret ballot
  3. Bye-election shall be held if and when necessary
  4. No officer shall hold an office for more than two consecutive terms
  1. The President Shall preside over all meeting of the Club and shall have the right to adjourn meetings. He shall have a casting vote and he shall be the Accounting Officer of the Club and authorise all payments.
  2. Vice President Shall assist the President and act for him to his absence.
  3. The General Secretary Shall convene all meetings after due consultation with the President and shall record the minutes of such meetings in the Club Minute book and also ensure follow-up actions on all Club decisions.
  4.  The Assistant Secretary Shall assist the General Secretary and act for him in his absence.
  5. The Treasurer
    1. Shall collect all monies from the financial secretary and pay such monies into the Bank within a week of receipt;
    2. Shall make all payments authorized by the Club;
    3. Shall prepare the Club’s Account and submit books and records to the Auditors as may be requested from time to time;
    4. Shall submit an Annual Report of the Club’s finances to the Annual General Meeting i.e. the Easter Meeting.
  6. The Financial Secretary
    1. Shall collect all monies from the Club, issue receipts for all payments and pay to the treasurer immediately on collection;
    2. He shall report to the Club at frequent intervals, and submit his books for auditing at the Auditors’ request.
  7. Publicity Secretary Shall be responsible for the publicity of the Club’s activities in both the print and electronic media.
  8. Social Secretary Shall be responsible for the Club’s social activities at all times including Club meetings.
  9. Auditors Shall audit the accounts of the Club and submit a report every year at the Annual General Meeting.
  1. The Trustees of EFON ALAAYE CLUB for the purpose of the land (perpetual succession Act) chapter 98 of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall be appointed at the General Meeting of the Club.
  2. Such Trustees, hereinafter referred to as ‘The Trustees’, shall be four in number and shall be known as THE REGISTERED TRUSTEES OF EFON ALAAYE CLUB.
  3. The Trustees may hold office for life but a Trustee shall cease to hold office if he:-
    1. Ceases to be a member of the Club;
    2. Resigns his office;
    3. Becomes insane;
    4. Is officially declared bankrupt
    5. Is convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonesty by a court of competent jurisdiction;
    6. Is recommended for removal from office at the Annual General Meeting of the Club with a majority vote of members present
    7. Ceases to reside in Nigeria